Saturday, August 6, 2011


(‎"TGIF", "I am so grateful", "GREAT Weather we are having", "I love my significant other", "having so much fun" "DAT MONEY, "Bible quote", "philosophical quote", "music quote", "motivational quote", "I AM SO HAPPY", "I am somewhere cool, you are not", "Damn it life is _______" "repost this if you have nothing else to do" "1 millionth self portrait"

I just saved everyone 45 minutes, you are welcome.)

That was my finale on Facebook... I really had nothing to say after that, so I spent the better part of the next morning deleting all my info, photos, friends and then finally deactivating my account. 

I guess in the end Fb showed me that having access to other peoples thoughts and expressions is not always a good thing. While I did understand certain people on a higher and deeper level the amount of people that I ended up just disliking as a result was staggering. 

In my reasoning for deactivating my account I listed other and said that in the facebook made me dislike the people who were "my friends" sometimes, enough IS too much.